Micro Swiss Franc Futures (MSF) Contract Specifications

What Are Micro Swiss Franc Futures? Micro Swiss Franc Futures (MSF) are a smaller-sized version of standard Swiss Franc Futures...

Australian Dollar Futures (6A) Contract Specifications

What Are Australian Dollar Futures? Australian Dollar Futures (6A) are futures contracts based on the value of the Australian Dollar...

British Pound Futures (6B) Contract Specifications

What Are British Pound Futures? British Pound Futures (6B) are futures contracts based on the value of the British Pound...

Canadian Dollar Futures (6C) Contract Specifications

What Are Canadian Dollar Futures? Canadian Dollar Futures (6C) are futures contracts based on the value of the Canadian Dollar...

Euro Futures (6E) Contract Specifications

What Are Euro Futures? Euro Futures (6E) are futures contracts based on the value of the Euro (EUR) relative to...