For more information about the general terms and conditions pertaining to this website, please contact Ironbeam, Inc. at +1 312.765.7200.
Ironbeam, Inc. makes available information, materials, products and services on this website subject to the following terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of all applicable account and other agreements, disclaimers and the legal notices that appear on this website and/or must be agreed by you in the account opening process. By accessing this site, you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined below, in addition to those contained in such agreements, disclaimers and legal notices. Ironbeam, Inc. retains the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion. The prices, fees, costs and other terms of all products and services offered on this website are subject to change at any time and from time to time without notice.
This site is presented solely for informational purposes and to provide access to certain electronic products or services. No offer to buy or sell futures, securities derivative products or foreign exchange of any kind, or any type of investment or trading advice or strategy is made, given or in any manner endorsed by Ironbeam, Inc. or its affiliates. Any statement of facts herein contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor do they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement, or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Ironbeam, Inc., its officers and directors may in the normal course of business have positions, which may or may not agree with the opinions expressed in this website. You are fully responsible for any investment or trading decisions you make, and such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment or trading objectives, risk tolerance and liquidity needs.
Although Ironbeam, Inc. strives to provide you with the latest technology and highly robust trading platforms, periods of system outages or slow performance may occur. These occurrences may be out of Ironbeam’s control and may require you to place orders through alternative means. Account access, trade executions and system response and performance may be adversely affected, including delays and failures, as a result of: market volatility, trading volumes, illiquidity, quote delays, system and software errors, data or server outages, Internet traffic and capacity and other market conditions or factors. One or more of these factors may occur before or after you place a trade, resulting in a delayed or failed order placement, order cancellation, trade execution and/or acknowledgement of any of those actions. You are solely responsible for such risks. Should you experience technical issues, please contact Client Services to report the problem and enter orders through our order desk until it is remedied. Client Services may be reached at +1 800.341.1941 for questions.
There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with any concerns or questions. Upon regulatory approval, you should contact Ironbeam, Inc. at +1 800.341.1941 to obtain a copy of the required security futures products risk disclosure statement. Security futures products are not suitable for all types of investors.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) requires each futures commission merchant to make publicly available on its website firm specific disclosures and financial information to assist you with your assessment and selection of a futures commission merchant in accordance with CFTC Regulation 1.55.
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DISCLAIMER: There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with concerns or questions.
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