Trading FAQs
What exchanges are currently supported by Ironbeam?
We offer trading on the following exchanges:
-Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
-Coinbase Derivatives
-Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
-New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
-Commodity Exchange Inc. (COMEX)
-ICE Futures US
-ICE Futures Europe
Do you offer options trading?
Yes, of course.
During what hours can I trade?
You can trade at any time that the market is open. Trading hours vary per product. It is best to check the exchange website for market-specific trading hours. However, you can always email our client services desk for clarification: [email protected]
What is considered a day trade?
A day trade is a position that is opened and closed within the same trading session.
What is considered an overnight position?
An overnight position is a trade that is initiated and then held through the close of the market into the next session.
Where can I find contract information, such as tick size, expiration, etc.?
You can find this in the symbol information section in the Ironbeam platform. If you are using a 3rd party trading platform, you can find this information in your online account portal.
Do you provide help with exchange membership?
Yes. Ironbeam can walk you through the process of leasing or purchasing an exchange membership. Inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Do you offer Broker-Assisted trading?
Ironbeam does not offer broker-assisted trading. However, since we are an FCM, we have many introducing brokers that we can refer you to for this type of account relationship.
What about automated trading systems?
Yes, we offer many automated trading systems. You can visit our Systems & Managed page, or send us an email at [email protected] for more information.
Popular Trading Platforms
Low Day Trade Margins
Futures Automation: Ironbeam API
DISCLAIMER: There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with concerns or questions.