Trading Platform FAQs
Which trading platforms are available to me?
Ironbeam offers many trading platforms. Visit our platform page to view your options. If there is a platform that you are interested in that is not listed on our platform page, call our help desk to check availability. Ironbeam is compatible with many platforms that are not listed on our website.
What are the fees for the various platforms?
Since we offer a large numbers of trading platforms and vendors can change their fee structures from time to time, we do not list platform fees on our website. However, all of the platforms are offered at-cost. We do not add fees on top of what the vendor charges. The best way to check what the fees are for a certain platform would be to visit the vendor’s website.
How do I get set up on a trading platform?
Let us know which trading platform you would like to be set up on during the account opening process, and we will take care of it for you upon the opening of your account.
How do I switch trading platforms?
Once you know which trading platform you would like to be switched to, send our Client Services department an email with the request: [email protected]. They will be in touch right away and make the necessary changes.
Does Ironbeam offer trading platform support?
Ironbeam’s client services desk is fully trained on the Ironbeam trading platform, and can answer any questions you may have about it. For third party platforms, you will need to contact the vendor for support on software-specific questions.
Does Ironbeam offer a free trading platform?
Yes, the Ironbeam trading platform is offered for free.
VISIT OUR KNOWLEDGE BASEPopular Trading Platforms
Low Day Trade Margins
Futures Automation: Ironbeam API
DISCLAIMER: There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with concerns or questions.