Formula Guide to create new formulas

Please provide some form of guide on how to create new formulas?

I can’t find any sample scripts or anything to learn from. There is nothing in the forums.

I can understand the existing list of functions but without knowing how to combine them to produce a new formula they are not helpful. All I have is this screen:


I would also like to see some documentation about the software.


Well it’s been a year now Mike and no formula guide for creating your own indicators or any other drawing tools other than a simple line. The website clearly states “…ability to create your own.”

" Powerful Charting

The Ironbeam platform features a proprietary charting engine that comes packed with over 300 built-in indicators, and the ability to create your own. Ironbeam’s charting allows futures traders to view markets in new ways."

Again, it’s been a year and no capabilities have been provided with regards to these numerous requests from many of the customers here.

If your plan is to never provide this functionality then just please let us know and we can make a change if we want to. My TDAmeritrade account is transitioning to Schwabe this weekend and I was hoping that I would have been completely on the IronBeam platform by now but I can’t give up the Thinkorswim charting, drawing tools and ability to write my own indicators.

Mike, please just let us know what the plan is. I don’t need another “…it’s coming in the next release…” type of answer.


@Stockdaddy The functionality is there: If you click the f(x) menu at the top right of the platform, a GUI opens to create formulas.

Unfortunately a step-by-step guide on this is still in the works and I don’t have an ETA for you on that.

We are pretty transparent with what is on the horizon for the platform and I believe we have delivered thus far on what we say is coming in a release.

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Yes, I agree. Having a comprehensive guide on how to use formulas would unlock a lot of great new functionality for the platform ! I have a programming background and tried to figure it out using intuition alone but the constructs are just not clear enough to make good progress…Thanks.

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Hi cwshort, if you ever find anyone who has written even the most simple script/formula for this site please share it.

I’ve shared my frustration with Mike that his website entices users with the ability to create formulas yet there isn’t even one formula that he can produce or even one guideline for creating even the most simple formula.

I hope this changes soon or at least he removes the verbiage from his website stating capabilities that are obviously “futuristic” with no formal deadline to be produced.

Thamls for sharing.