Lower Day Margins Now Available On TradingView!

We are pleased to announce that Ironbeam’s new direct integration is now live in the Beta phase on TradingView.

Ironbeam customers can now enjoy the same day trade margins as the Ironbeam platform on TradingView.

If your Ironbeam account is already connected to TradingView and you would like to switch from the CQG connection to Ironbeam Beta, please email [email protected]

We plan to wrap up the open beta in the next couple weeks. At that point we will fully launch the new integration, which includes the support of the TradingView mobile app.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!

Mike Murphy
[email protected]

DISCLAIMER: There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with concerns or questions.

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